Joyful Wonder Of Fully Functioning Bathrooms

I don’t think we really appreciate just how fantastic our plumbing and water supplies are over here in little old blighty.  I have been abroad of course, not to many places it’s true, but I well remember our horror many years ago on a camping holiday in europe when faced with some village toilets – in a domestic complex.   The ones in the village itself were too awful to contemplate.  I have also been caught in a predicament when travelling around in the med, a certain little island very poplar with british ex pats.  Lots of them have a strange plumbing system in their houses, if it was installed by native workforce.  Fortunately when I stay anywhere now, it’s generally with family and I am assured the very best of plumbing and washroom service being available.  We have fantastic plumbers here and our bathrooms are a wonder to be envied and adored from afar!